Franklin Academy


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Franklin Academy


Pembroke Pines [K-12] Campus - School Info


Uniforms are required and our dress code is enforced.

To ensure equity and safety, school uniforms must be purchased from iUniforms, our only approved uniform vendor.

Students are required to wear a polo shirt and navy bottoms with the school logo.

- Place your uniform order online at:

- iUniforms provides Free Shipping and Easy Exchanges with a FREE Return Label included in every order

- Ensure you are logged into your account before you start shopping

- If you are unsure of your size, please visit the Sizing Kiosk in the lobby

- To set up a sizing appointment at iUniforms, please contact

Lunch / Breakfast Menu

Students may qualify for additional programs with the completion of the NSLP application, found below.


Franklin Academy participates in the National School Lunch Program and free or reduced pricing will be available for those that meet the guidelines.

Apply Now for the 2024-2025 School Year!

If you already applied online for Free & Reduced Lunch Meal Benefits and have application status questions, please email


Franklin Academy participa en el programa nacional de almuerzos escolares y los precios gratuitos o reducidos estarán disponibles para aquellos que cumplan con las pautas.

¡Aplica Ya Para el Año Escolar 2024-2025!

Si ya ha presentado su solicitud en línea para obtener beneficios de comidas gratis y reducidas y tiene preguntas sobre el estado de la solicitud, envíe un correoelectrónico a


Aplike Kounye a pou Ane Lekòl 2024-2025!

Inscreva-se agora para o ano letivo 2024-2025!

SLA Lunch Cafeteria Hub and Menus

Cafeteria Hub Flyer

Whats on the menu?

Breakfast $2

Lunch $3

Connecting To Your Online Lunch Account

Guide To SLA Management's Online Lunch System

Transportation Information


Once your child has been accepted to Franklin Academy, you may request bus transportation during the online registration process. Transportation is available on a limited basis for students who live more than 2 miles from the campus. If you live within two miles of the campus, you must provide transportation for your child(ren).

If you live more than 2 miles from campus, Franklin offers “depot” stops, where families can bring their students to meet the bus. Many of the “depot” stops are conveniently located in the general vicinity of Franklin’s K-8 campuses located in Pembroke Pines, Cooper City and Sunrise. The “depot” stop transportation option is offered on a first come first serve basis, as space is limited.

When transportation is assigned, a bus pass will be emailed. Bus passes for registered students will be emailed two weeks before the start of school. Bus stops are subject to change from year-to-year.

Parent Vehicles

Parents are welcome to drive their students to and from our campus. Franklin Academy utilizes DashPass as our dismissal system to manage pick-up and drop-off traffic. Detailed procedures on the arrival and dismissal processes can be found in the Policies & Procedures section of the website.

In the COVID-19 era of education, school safety protocols are paramount. DashPass is an easy, automated mobile platform to extend facility-wide security measures through the entire dismissal process. Learn more about DashPass here.

QuickStart Guide for Parents

Mobile App User Manual

Download the App


Franklin Academy is pleased to share our FREE carpool matching service. What if you want to be in a carpool but you don’t know any other Franklin Academy families? Use our FREE carpool matching service to find families that live near you who are also interested in starting up a carpool. Carpooling has both personal and social advantages.

Easy Steps to follow:

  1. Sign up for your free account

  2. Enter your home address in the origin section

  3. Select the appropriate Franklin Academy campus as your destination

  4. The site will find potential suitable matches

  5. Contact your matches and agree to become a carpool and configure your carpool in the DashPass app.

The service is free and completely optional.

Private Transportation

Private transportation companies are permitted as a transportation option for families, so long as the private transportation company follows Franklin’s pick-up & drop-off procedures.

Student Parking

2024-25 Student Parking Application

Seniors and juniors who wish to apply for parking must do the following:

  • Download and complete the parking application and parking contract. The parking application requires the signatures of the student, parent or guardian, and vehicle owner. If the parent or guardian is also the vehicle owner, they must sign in both places.

We do not consider an application complete without all the required items. Please submit all required documents to the Director of School Operations, Mr. Carnaggie.

We process applications using students' cumulative high school attendance history to establish the order in which we process the requests. Attendance history helps determine which students receive permits.


Policies and Procedures

internet safety policy


Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

franklin family reunification plan

Student Dress Code


Broward County Code Book of Student Conduct (English)

Franklin Academy Parent-Student Handbook


Report an Absence

Please submit your absence via the Absence Reporting Form, which can be found in both the PowerSchool Parent Portal and the PowerSchool Mobile App.

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play

Refer to our Attendance Policy for a list of valid reasons and allow 72 hours for processing.

NOTE: If reason for absence is not in the Attendance Policy the absence will remain unexcused.

After School

(For Students in Grades K-8)