Franklin Academy


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Franklin Academy


Pembroke Pines [K-12] Campus - Community Service

Service-Learning Graduation Requirements

Seniors must submit student volunteer hours required for graduation by May 2, 2025!!!

The purpose of the Service Learning Graduation Requirement and the Student Volunteer Service Program is to acquaint high school students with the need to provide service to both their school and community.

Service Learning is defined as: An educational method by which participants learn and develop through active participation in service that is conducted in and meets the needs of a community. Service learning is coordinated with a school or community service program and with the community. It is integrated into and influences the lifelong learning of a participant and includes structured time for the participants to reflect on the service experience.

  • All students graduating with a 24- credit diploma are required to complete a minimum of forty (40) documented hours of service learning in order to graduate. All community service hours must be documented on the appropriate service-learning log sheet and turned into the student's designated school counselor. Students are required to keep records of their log sheets. Student volunteer hours must be done at a nonprofit organization. A nonprofit organization does not operate to make a profit/make money.

Bright Futures - Paid Work Hours

  • Bright Futures Purposes ONLY. Cannot be used for graduation-required community service, nor the Silver Cord.

  • ALL Bright Futures awards require 100 paid work hours, regardless of the amount of community service required. (i.e. for the Medallion (FMS/75%) they need 75 service hours OR 100 paid work hours)
  • You cannot mix and match community service and paid work.

Service-Learning Opportunities

HandsOn South Florida mobilizes thousands of people each year to revitalize schools, parks, playgrounds, nonprofits and neighborhoods. Our volunteers create art in public spaces, build sustainable gardens, teach financial literacy, respond to disasters and work to protect the environment. Opportunities to make an impact are available year-round on a daily basis to people of all ages.

VolunteerMatch is an effective way to recruit highly qualified volunteers for your nonprofit. We match you with people who are passionate about and committed to your cause, and who can help when and where you need them.

Join our youth-led movement for good. Make an impact with millions of young people, and enter for the opportunity to win scholarships.