Pembroke Pines [K-12] Campus - School Counselor (K-8)
Welcome to our School Guidance page! We have the joy of working with students through classroom guidance lessons, small group sessions and individual check-ins. The Franklin Academy Guidance Program provides support for students in the areas of academic, social/emotional and other areas such as:
· Character education through our Kite Kash Program (K-5) and House System with our Middle School students.
· Developing and delivering classroom guidance lessons that teach skills such as decision making, resolving conflicts and respecting others.
· Providing support during a personal crisis.
· Coordinating referrals to outside agencies.
· Developing student career awareness.
Contact Info:
Jessica Fernandez/Kindergarten-8th Grade
Carissa Martinez/Kindergarten-8th Grade
Suicide Prevention
Broward 211 Community Resources
Residents in search of critical social services such as emergency financial assistance, food, shelter, housing, child care, job training placement, relief from abuse, depression, summer/after school programs, healthcare or mental support often do not know where to begin. Many are confronted with a confusing array of organizations through which they must search for what they need. Looking for help means locating dozens of phone numbers and/or web sites (for those who have access), and then searching through a maze of agencies and services to make the right connection. Established as a 501(c)(3) in 1995, 2-1-1 Broward is the only 24/7 comprehensive agency in the county that provides individuals and families with all of the critical connections to health and human service agencies and programs they need in just one call.
What’s Happening
Character Education
MYP House System: